Crypto is for Losers

 Crypto has crashed lately. Too many people looked at it like speculative investment instead of what it is: a tool for freedom.


But, that's right, I said "Crypto is for losers".

It's for people who want to lose the financial manipulation that is pushing out the middle class.

It's for people who want to lose the dominance of the Federal Reserve because they know it for what it is. What this video and you'll see:


While you're at it, you might want to read End the Fed.

Crypto is for people who want to lose incentive for never ending wars. Don't get me wrong, I hate what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. But let's not let any politicians benefit from military industrial complex PAC money because they might make a little decision here and there that will prolong the war so their buddies can make more money. The more you understand central banking, the more you understand its role in this. There's a connection.

And let's not forget Iraq either. There was an unprovoked invasion. It's not about one country being a hero and another being a villain. Let's get real. Central power is the villain no matter what language it speaks or mask it wears. Central power depends on central banks.

So when you see all this propaganda about El Salvador being foolish, remember the corrupt IMF hate what they are doing because it is taking away their power. From here, the IMF isn't handling that power in a way that helps the common man.

So if you hate crypto, you better have a good argument for fiat currency, the IMF and the Federal Reserve. If you haven't checked out the movie I embedded and book I linked above, you don't know enough to have an opinion, in my opinion, which I know enough to have.

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